The Centre for Aviation Psychology promotes psychological well-being through confidential access to our specialist psychologists and resources.

Trusted by Aviators
Aviation faces critical, sensitive challenges that demand practical solutions and professional expertise.
Expert services and resources from professionals who care
We offer confidential, professional and independent end-to-end support for Peer Support Programmes. We currently provide peer support programmes to 110+ AOCs registered in 11 countries covering over 32,0000 pilots in 8 languages. We provide peer support for large and small AOCs operating in every sector of aviation.

Empowering Pilot Resilience
We created this hub for Pilots to take charge of, measure and grow their own resilience development. Based on the ICAO’s Threat Error Management model (TEM), we are empowering Pilots to self-identify threats and potential errors everyone may face, both personally and professionally. Pilots embark upon their resilience journey by developing their knowledge and skills with real life and meaningful application. Start your journey here and build your resilience.

Making informed recruitment decisions
Aviation will now use recruitment best practices long established in every other industry, to assess high- risk, high-value employees and find the best fit for the job. The psychological experts at the Centre for Aviation Psychology provide valuable and cost-efficient insights for interview panels to make better-informed employment decisions, reduce the risk of excluding good candidates, and the cost of recruiting weaker or poor-fit pilots.

We have years of clinical expertise, a proven track record of delivering large-scale, organization-wide interventions, built on a team of international experts in aviation and psychology.
In the UK and Europe it is now a legal requirement (CAP.GEN.MPA.215: Support Programmes) that all commercial operators provide their pilots with access to a (peer) support programme (and perform pre-employment psychological assessments, if based in the EU).
And within the US, the landscape is rapidly evolving following the FAA’s ARC report into aviation mental health and the subsequent regulatory changes this has heralded. Regions around the world are embarking on similar changes as aviator wellbeing becomes a greater priority.
It fair to say, the world of aviation mental health is both an exciting and potentially confusing one to navigate.
As world leaders in this field, CAP works tirelessly to earn the trust of the aviators we serve.

CAP in Numbers
Pilots Supported

Clients We Work With